Aim Rule 26 Disclosure.

This page contains all the information required to be disclosed in accordance with AIM Rule 26.

Company Name.
Next 15 Group plc (the ‘Company’).

Founded in 1981, we are a growth consultancy, driven by technology. We are a Group centred on the technology of marketing: data, insight, analytics, apps, content platforms and content itself. The Company is a family of autonomous marketing businesses, spanning digital content, PR, consumer, technology, marketing software, market research, public affairs and policy communications. Find out more about our brands at Our Brands.

Company Number.

The Company is listed on the Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock Exchange.

Click here to visit the LSE page for Next 15 Group plc.

Share Symbol.

Registered Office Address.
60 Great Portland Street, London W1W 7RT.

Company of Incorporation and Main Country of Operation.
The Company is incorporated in England and Wales. Its main country of operation is in the UK.

The Company is subject to the UK City Code on Takeovers and Mergers and is not listed on any other exchange or trading platforms.

Issued Share Capital.
As at 31 January 2025, the current number of issued shares of 2.5 pence each was 100,924,813. The rights attaching to these ordinary shares are covered by the Articles of Association.

Shares Not in Public Hands.
As at 31 January 2025, the percentage of the Company’s issued share capital that is not in public hands was 38.36%. In accordance with the AIM rules, this has been calculated by reference to shares held in the Next Fifteen Employee Trust together with those held by directors of the company and its subsidiaries, as well as by substantial shareholders.

List of Significant Shareholders.
Please click here for a list of the Company’s significant shareholders.

Restriction in Transfer of AIM Securities.
There are no restrictions on the transfer of securities.

Corporate Governance.
Please click here for details of the recognised corporate governance code that the Company applies.

AIM Admission Document.
The Company did not issue an admission document as it came to AIM from the Full List and so was not required to produce an admission document.

List of Directors and their Biographical details.
Please click here.

Board Responsibilities.
Our Board of Directors is made up of a Non-Executive Chair, four Non-Executive and three Executive Directors. The roles of our Chair and our Chief Executive Officer are separate and clearly defined. The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for the executive management of the Group’s business while the Chair is responsible for the leadership of the Board.

All Directors have access to the advice and services of our Company Secretary, who is responsible for ensuring that Board procedures and applicable rules and regulations are observed. For further information, please click here.

Company Announcements.
Please click here.

Nomad and Advisers.
Please click here.

Annual and Interim Reports.
Please click here.

Shareholder Circulars.
There have been no circulars or similar publications within the past 12 months.

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