Avon — Agile delivery needed more than a cosmetic change.

Shaping ways of working for a new agile delivery approach.

When IT transformation meets business ambition the pace of change can run faster than organisations are ready for. Avon knew how this felt. Transitioning to a scaled agile model to deliver an ambitious digital agenda, ways of working needed to align with a new partner’s approach and the time frame was pressing.

Hear that bell? That’s Transform calling. 

What we did.

Ask, Listen, Understand

First up, working with the new IT partner to understand their ways of working and what they needed from the Avon team. They were up against it trying to implement the new solution and didn’t have time to identify points of interaction and integration or translate a heavily IT centric language. Understood the business team functions across consumer marketing and sales reps.

Workshopped new operating models

Moving to a consultative workshop approach with marketing, brand, agent representation, channels and technology. We designed a number of operating models to review with the client covering variations of integrated, agile and waterfall. Avon was in the “trained not changed”, stage of agile transformation and we supported all of this with agile coaching to upskill stakeholders and their teams.

What next?

A breakdown of the Operating Model was delivered including how it played out from an organisational structure and team skills point of view. For each role there was a definition that detailed the role description, RACI and how the processes work. We focus on the intake process. For those teams generating ideas for different countries – how should they be validated and prioritised to make this work in practice.

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