Public Health England - One You

Helping 40-60 year olds build healthier habits.

Creating a healthier nation by focusing on One You.


Unhealthy habits are responsible for around 40% of all deaths in England, costing the NHS more than £11 billion a year. Public Health England wanted to increase public awareness about how daily behaviours impact health, now and in later life. ​ ​

The goal: to inspire Brits to get serious about prevention.​ ​

We sprung into action.​

What we did.

Conducted a robust research programme

We studied public health records to identify the bad habits causing major preventable diseases. Then, using behavioural science, we found the common obstacles to adopting new habits (or changing old ones).​

Created six digital tools for every lifestyle change​

With valuable research on the end-user, our UX, UI and content experts worked with our Software Engineers to develop digital tools that people would love using every day. These are How Are You, C25K, Drinks Tracker, SmokeFree, Easy Meals and Sugar Smart.​


Things we’re proud of:

  • Putting the user first using quantitative research to anticipate how they might use or benefit from the tools​.
  • Bringing interconnected capabilities together, from modern technology, behavioural science, and data analytics to user-centred design​.
  • Creating six highly-targeted, ultra-specific digital tools that varied in shape and design to answer the specific needs of users​.

The response to One You has been fantastic and we have been delighted to see such a positive reaction in the media, from our partners and from the public.

Director of Health & Wellbeing, Public Health England

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