WWF - Eat4Change

Eat4Change is an initiative operated by WWF which aims to engage citizens on the topic of sustainable food. It highlights global interconnections and dependencies and demonstrating how individual lifestyle choices can directly contribute to limiting climate warming.


In 2021, WWF commissioned Savanta to conduct a survey of adults in 12 EU countries (Austria, Belgium, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Portugal, Sweden, Germany, Spain, Poland and Romania) plus the UK and Mexico, as part of the second wave of a project to support Eat4Change’s policy work. The survey covers a range of topics: the role of governments and the EU in changing food habits; support for policies to change food habits; and the relative importance of sustainable food for EU citizens.


The survey results feed into WWF’s work with two main audiences:

1. national retailers and politicians; and

2. EU decision-makers involved in the communication of EU action on deforestation, in the European Commission and in Member States.

WWF also use the results to develop public-facing communications to encourage behaviour change. Further waves were conducted in 2022, 2023 and 2024.

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